Friday, August 28, 2015

The pumpkins are coming the pumpkins are coming!

Pumpkin season is literally right around the corner.  Already my news feed is filling up with pictures of actual and rumored pumpkin spice flavored items new (and sometimes not new) for this year.  This only means one thing...I really have to get cracking on my annual pumpkin party details!

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not that big of a fan of pumpkin.  I don't like pumpkin pie, or anything overly pumpkin flavor.  Which is odd because I love butternut squash and I think they taste pretty similar.  Maybe it's a texture issue.  ANYWAY, what I do LOVE about pumpkin spice season is the fact that we are at that tail end of summer and ready to make our way into fall.  I absolutely adore fall and everything that comes along with it and I love pumpkins (as in the gourds not as in eating them).  I have pumpkin items out all year long...I mean, they're cute and orange!  DUH!

So, back to pumpkin spice... my awesome husband got me a new screen for my laptop so hopefully that'll get fixed sometime this weekend and I won't have to blog at odd times in places I probably shouldn't be blogging and will get cracking with items past and present that have to do with pumpkin including last year's oreos, DQ blizzard (which comes back out 8/31, btw), pasta sauces, cookies, m&ms and what ever else I can remember.  I will be on the look out for the new stuff for this year and report back!  In the meantime, here's a pumpkin teaser from last year just to tide you over ;)

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog, maybe check out mine? Lucy xo :)
